Daily MindMeld #110 — Word Riddle

1 min readApr 20, 2021


Attention to Detail, Critical Thinking, Logical Thinking

Puzzle (Answer below)

In the raised garden, there is a patch of carrots growing that the Easter Bunny would like to eat. Every day the patch of carrots doubles in size. If it takes 24 days for the carrot patch to cover the entire raised garden, how long would it take for the carrot patch to cover half of the raised garden?

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The answer is, the carrot patch would reach half of the size of the raised garden on day 24. With all of the talk of doubling and halves your brain jumps to the conclusion that to solve the problem of when the carrot patch covers half of the raised garden, all you have to do is divide the number of days it took to fill the raised garden (24) in half, but it is wrong. The logic problem says that the carrot patch doubles in size every day, which means that on any day, the carrot patch was half the size the day before. If the carrot patch reaches the entire size of the raised garden on the 24th day, it means the carrot patch was half the size of the raised garden on day 23.

Still facing Covid restrictions we have published two books of Brain Teasers, Visual & Logic Puzzles, Math and Word Riddles that are for sale on Amazon as paperbacks and elsewhere as eBooks, books and Answer link is in the Profile.




Bored, bored, bored … hence the puzzle book — see more at https://amzn.to/2QLJ3dz Answers at: https://kewlactiveminds.com/ Daily Mind Meld